We are Andean masters of the Q’eros Community (last Inca ayllu) declared CULTURAL HERITAGE OF THE PERUVIAN NATION IN 2007. Our natural knowledge of the spiritual world and its mysterious healing secrets have made us globally known. We use ancient Inca techniques and a series of daily practices (ceremonies) inherited from our ancestors for physical, mental and spiritual healing and for maintaining a close relationship with our mother earth.
Our company practices responsible tourism, therefore, we are committed to a way of work that seek to achieve the economic, social, and cultural system that respects our cultural diversity, ensures proper care and protection of the environment.
The team is made up of specialized masters, qualified assistants, and experienced collaborators in this way, we guarantee safety, high-quality service and unique experiences.


Q’ero spirituality is known today as Shamanism, an ancient practice where the spirit world can be experienced first-hand. It is not a religion nor does it have specific rules or dogma. Shamanism is the oldest healing method known. A core principle of Shamanism is that everything has a consciousness and the ability to communicate. Communication is possible because all creation is spiritually interconnected, and each person is a bridge between the seen and unseen worlds of creation. In the Q’ero tradition, Shamans are known as paqos.

The Q’ero community is recognized as a UNESCO living cultural. The Spiritual leaders or shamans are known as Paqos. The Paqos have obtained their training via energy healing traditions handed down from their ancestors, the Inca.
The Q’ero Paqos are neither trained psychologists nor medical doctors, though they have extensive training in energy transformation according to their Inca tradition. At no time will the Paqos attempt to provide medical or mental health therapy. The purpose of Shamanic ceremonies provided by the Paqos is for the client’s self-exploration and self-development and it is not intended to diagnose or treat any illness, disease, or other physical or mental disorder. All clients are advised to follow the advice of your doctor or other professional medical practitioner.
AndeanSpirit. earth Research
Information about the Spirit World may be recalled during your ceremony. This information or comments regarding a client’s experience may be utilized by AndeanSpirit.earht or its collaborator Whole Earth Engineering, Inc. for research, writing, and speaking engagements to enlighten others, without providing name, address, and any other personally identifying information. Gender, age, and general occupation may be utilized if relevant.
Waiver of Liability
By submitting payment the client voluntarily agrees and accepts full responsibility for any and all injury arising from any in-person or on-line Shamanic ceremony/session. The client shall hold harmless all parties involved in the conducting of the on-line or in-person Shamanic ceremonies or sessions including AndeanSpirit, owners of the premises, management, administrators, assistants, and others.
One of the most important rights of the person working with a Paqo is confidentiality. Information revealed during your ceremony will be kept strictly confidential and not revealed to any other person or agency without your written permission.
Online Shamanic sessions are recorded for the benefit of the client and provided as a free service. There is no guarantee that the recording will be audible, fully intact, or usable. No issues of refund for defective or damaged recording will be provided.
No warranty is given, expressed or implied, for satisfactory results from any in-person or online Shamanic ceremony.
Acknowledgement and Consent
By submitting payment to AndeanSpirit.org for an online or in-person ceremony you are indicating the following:
- You have read and understood this consent form and that any questions you had about this consent form were answered to your satisfaction;
- You believe that online or in-person Shamanic ceremony is appropriate for your and does not conflict with any existing medical or psychiatric treatment
- You have been provided a general understanding of Shamanic approaches, the time allocations and fees associated with Shamanic ceremonies or sessions;
- You understand it is possible that Shamanic ceremonies may uncover unpleasant personal realizations and past memories that in some instances may evoke strong emotional and/or physical reactions
- You understand that Shamanic ceremonies by AndeanSpirit.org is not designed to cure you of any physical problems or treat you for mental illness or addictions, and
- You grant permission to AndeanSpirit.org to conduct either an online or in-person ceremony/session. I further give permission to AndeanSpirit.org Paqos other than the one requested to be part and assist in the Shamanic ceremony/session
Thank you!

Ruben Apaza Quispe, B.A.
Hello everyone, Ruben Apaza Quispe greets you from the highest and most important mountain of the Q’eros Community, the Apu Huamanlipa. I am the grandson of the renown Q’ero teacher and spiritual healer, Don Manuel Quispe. I was born and spent my childhood in the Q’eros community. As heir to Inca wisdom, I come from a culture rich in customs and traditions that passed down from generation to generation celebrate Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (Sacred Mountains). I graduated from San Antonio Abad National University of Cusco with a degree in Hospitality and Tourism.
I lead AndeanSpirit.earth as a spiritual teacher and wisdom keeper – sharing the Q’eros 500-year-old ancestral knowledge and traditions transmitted to me through Inca spiritual technologies embedded within ancestral weavings and rituals.

Andean spirit Values
Our values respect the lives, wisdom, spiritual traditions, and artistry of centuries of the Inca people.
Andea Spirit honors and cares for Q’ero traditions by respecting Mother Earth, or as we know her, Pachamama.
Andean Spirit respects your time and investment.
We are committed to excellence as individuals and as an ecotour group.
What’s It Like Traveling with Us?
Traveling with us is to have at your disposal a personalized consultant to inform you throughout the process of travel to the Citadel of Machupicchu – Inca City.
Likewise, because we are a travel agency of Tourism and Operators we are committed to assisting you in any type of tour package that you require at the level of all Peru.
Our Commitments
- Real time chats available to answer your questions about travel, accommodations, meals, transportation, personal effects, clothing, and currency exchange as quickly as possible.
- Efficient and timely electronic ticketing
- Punctual and efficient travel once you arrive in Cusco.
- We have special rates for travel to Peru via our partnership with Enolia.Live/travel. (https://enolia.live/).
- Convienent location in the historic center of Cusco. Hours: Monday to Saturday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, and Sunday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.
- Maintain permanent telephone communication to answer all your questions before, during and after your trip to the Citadel of Machu Picchu
Andean spirit Mission
To offer a quality service through personalized attention, immediate response capacity with accurate information and meticulous elaboration of our packages, so that our customers feel satisfied not only to know our culture but also the contracted service.
Andean spirit Vision
To be the leading agency in the region providing tourist services according to the different requirements of our clients, with innovative tours and very well developed by us.